Ready to learn how to harness your own energy  and the energy around you and use it to heal your body, mind and spirit, but don’t know how? 

Radiant Body is a week-long course and tutorial to help you understand your body on the level of energy and learn how to heal it ….. right now.


Now only $77

Lock in this low price today!

I’m sharing what I know from my  experience in my own work with other people who, like you, 

had a desperate desire to heal their body, but  just didn’t know how.  

This course is the product of many years of research and implementation, but it will take you only a week to put into practice, 

which will give you the  tools to continue  practicing and enjoy the  benefits  for life!

Ready for a 180 turn from the regular that hasn’t worked so far?

Learn how to tune  into your own energy  today with the Radiant Body!

So …. why am I  sharing this right now?

Hi, I’m Ilona Moore.

I am a Spiritual Guide, a  Yoga Teacher, a student of life….

I help other spiritual seekers learn the chakra balancing process so that they  can experience their energy and learn how to use it for their benefit.

For over 8 years I have worked with hundreds of people on the path of  Self-discovery leading 200-hr Yoga Teacher Trainings and Advanced 300-hr Yoga Teacher Trainings as well as multiple  workshops and classes on how to heal your  body using the energy within.

I live in Atlanta where I have my yoga studio – Peachtree Yoga  Center, and I enjoy being in nature, dancing and reading.

With so much stress in our lives, we are barely staying afloat and are constantly depleting our very own energy resources for something insignificant and purposeless.

Basically, we all need an energy boost right  now, but not one that fades away, but a sustainable type, that progressively fills us up.

So, I asked myself this question:

How can I help stressed-out individuals change their attitude towards their understanding of body, mind and spirit connection?

I didn’t ask, “How I can help people heal themselves immediately?” That can take time…

I didn’t ask, “How can I teach people everything i know about the chakra system?” It could be a life-long process of learning and exploration.


 I asked, “How can I help people learn specific methods of connecting to their bodies?

I pondered on that and then circled back to what I know best

A strategy to implement as an everyday tool – that anyone can use.




So, what’s in it for YOU?

The chakra course works for you if you want to invest in your health, if you want to have a toolbox you can use every day to live a life full of joy.


Inside the Radiant body course you will find

  • Chakra 1 based physical and breathing practice to align the chakra energetically for optimal balance and function
  • Chakra 2 based physical and breathing practice to align the chakra energetically for optimal balance and function
  • Chakra 3 based physical and breathing practice to align the chakra energetically for optimal balance and function
  • Chakra 4 based physical and breathing practice to align the chakra energetically for optimal balance and function
  • Chakra 5 based physical and breathing practice to align the chakra energetically for optimal balance and function
  • Chakra 6 based physical and breathing practice to align the chakra energetically for optimal balance and function
  • Chakra 7 based physical and breathing practice to align the chakra energetically for optimal balance and function
  • A daily meditation practice
  • Bonus meditation – a guided visualization meditation practice to align the 7 main chakras that align your spine
  •  7 chakra PDFs

Right now you are struggling with:

* Poor sleep

*  Disconnect from your body

* Living from your  head, not your body



* You were able to sleep through the night

*  Get in touch with your body

* Understand what it is trying to tell you

Grab Radiant Body Today
Now ONLY $77!

Here's What You Learn Inside
the Radiant Body Course:

* what chakras are and how to get connected to your body

* how to use chakra work to assist your body in a healing process

* how to use a simple meditation practice to stop being RE-active and be PRO-active

And did I mention that you start practicing right now to reap the benefits?

Yep, this practice really works!

If you think you don’t have enough time, think of all the time you have already spent on dealing with anxiety and fatigue. 

This practice will guide you through a routine to overcome those roadblocks to a happier life.

Who is This Product For?

* Stressed out professionals

* Stay at home moms/dads who lost their drive

*Spiritual seekers who are learning about who they truly are

What you get when you grab
your copy of the radiant body

* 7-day game plan

* a physical practice for each day  of the week

* a meditation practice to follow daily

* PDFs explaining what each chakra is

Brilliant, that’s a lot of stuff for just $77?

Yep, the Radiant Body course is worth 10 or even 20 times what I’m charging. 

My goal here is to make it a no-brainer price for you, whoever you are and wherever you are because I know YOU need it right NOW.

I don’t want you to start this practice someday, I want you to get started this week.

So I’ve priced it so you don’t have to think twice about it – you can just grab it and go.


Q: Can I start anytime:

A: You can start anytime, but it is recommended that you start working with the first chakra on a Monday, as 7 chakras align with 7 days of the week.

Q: Will I have access to the program after I finish the course?

A: Yes, you will have life-long access to the course.

Q: Do I need to purchase any equipment or props for this course?

A: Nothing special is required for the course, however, if you like to use yoga props in your practice, consider having them. Such props include a blanket, 2 yoga blocks and a strap, but you can substitute them with household items, if you don’t have them at home.

Q: If I have a question during the practice, how can I ask it?

A: You can e-mail me at, and I will be happy to answer your questions.

Q: How do I join?

A: If you are ready to join the Radiant Body course, click Here

BEST – AND THIS IS IMPORTANT- this isn’t just any digital product. 

This course is specific .

This isn’t about just any digital product at any low price. 

This isn’t random 

This isn’t about luck. 

It’s better than that.

The Radiant Body course shows you what it takes to:

* start noticing your body signals

* to differentiate your mind controlling your body from the body itself letting you know

* re-connect to the body, mind and spirit and stay connected

* let go of the old beliefs about how to heal yourelf

I’ve packaged up all of this into a short 7-day program that can help you learn the techniques and then continue to implement them

And I’ve taken my own advice here?

I’ve put this at a no-brainer price so you don’t have to mull over it for hours or even days.

Why? Because  I  don’t want you to delay getting to know your own body’s ability to heal itself for hour or days.

Your body and mind need this like, yesterday. But, today will do just fine. Lock in this low price today!

Grab the Radiant Body Course today!


Now only $77!

Why the urgency, Ilona?

Here is the thing!

Things are not “business as usual”.

This is a highly unusual time.

With the Earth speeding up, I’m sure you’ve noticed how your own life has sped up. The faster it is, the more stress we are under!

But if you want to learn certain techniques of how to deal with stressful times, wouldn’t you want to learn how NOW?

And, if that’s where you are, I want to help you.

Here is how it works:

01 – Grab your digital copy of the Radiant Body here

02 – Check your inbox for your login info so you can jump in and get started this week.

03 – Follow the course every day of the week.

04 – Implement it into your daily practice